
Rediscover Your Passion: Reignite Your Purpose with Human Design

Are you feeling lost, drained, or disconnected from your sense of purpose? In the fast-paced world we live in, it's not uncommon to experience burnout and a loss of direction.

But what if the key to reigniting your passion and purpose lies within you? Our Human Design services are here to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

About Human Design & BG5

What Is Human Design?

Human Design is a unique system that combines elements from various disciplines such as astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the Chakra system, along with quantum physics, to create a personalized map or bodygraph for individuals. This chart, derived from your birth data, reveals your psychological, emotional, and energetic makeup. It provides insights into how you best interact with the world, make decisions, and fulfill your personal and professional potential.

What Is BG5™?

In addition to the foundational principles of Human Design, there exists a specialized aspect known as BG5™ (this is what I’m certified in). This facet of the Human Design system focuses specifically on the professional and career aspects of an individual's life. BG5™ takes the broader concepts of Human Design and translates them into practical, actionable insights tailored for the business world.

It provides an analysis of your unique 'Success Code', which demystifies the reasons behind the successes and challenges in your professional life. This approach offers objective information about who you are designed to be in a business context, helping to understand and leverage your natural talents and skills in the workplace.

How Can It Help Me?

Human Design, importantly, is distinct from subjective personality tests or belief systems. It's not a religion or a set of rigid doctrines. Instead, it offers a framework for understanding your unique traits and potential, emphasizing the individuality of each person's journey. This system is about exploring possibilities and leveraging innate strengths, not confining oneself to predetermined categories or paths.

What Do I Need To Do To Find My Design?

To pull your Human Design chart, you will need the following information:

Birth Date: The exact day, month, and year you were born.

Birth Time: The precise to-the-minute time of your birth. This is crucial for accuracy. If you don't know your birth time, it's often recorded on your birth certificate or you can ask family members (also see FAQ section below for more help).

Birth Place: The location of your birth, including the city and country.

With this information, you can generate your Human Design chart through my FREE chart generator here.

You only need to input your birth details, and the system will generate your chart, which will include your Type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, and the Centers that are defined or undefined in your design. This chart is a graphical representation of the Human Design System.


60-Minute Human Design/BG5 Analysis $297

Dip your toe into finding out more about your unique chart with me, uncovering things such as your:

Ideal Career Type: Discover roles and environments where you excel.

Interaction and Decision-Making Styles: Enhance your communication and choices.Guidance on Key Signposts: Stay aligned with your true path.

Information Processing: Understand your unique way of handling information.

Optimal Work Setting: Identify environments that boost your productivity and fulfillment.

Join My 8-Week Transformational Mentorship Program

The Rekindle Business Bliss program is designed to reignite passion and purpose in entrepreneurs. Using YOUR unique design, it offers personalized strategies to align business goals with one’s innate strengths, using Human Design principles.

Participants gain clarity on their purpose, reduce burnout, and enhance productivity, leading to a more fulfilling and prosperous business journey.

Join my FREE Facebook Group for Business Owners

If you're a driven entrepreneur hungry for exponential growth, brace yourself. You're about to embark on the most transformative journey of your entrepreneurial life. In this high-vibe community, I'll be revealing how you can harness your unique Human Design to turbocharge your business.

You'll unlock immediate, practical strategies to blast past burnout and surge beyond those stubborn income ceilings.

Build Your Team with Human Design

Human Design offers a revolutionary approach to team building by providing a deep understanding of each member's unique strengths and working styles. Using specialized Human Design software, we can effectively map out the dynamics of your team, identifying who fits best in specific roles.

By leveraging Human Design in team building, you create a more cohesive, efficient, and satisfied workforce, tailored to meet the unique challenges and goals of your business.

Create Your Free Human Design Chart


Hi! I’m Sally Raines, a 2/4 Sacral Generator. After spending decades being unhappy in the corporate world, I embarked on an entrepreneurial journey years ago.

Discovering human design and understanding how I’m truly designed to run my business was a game-changer for me. It has unleashed confidence and happiness knowing that I’m on the right path and I’m helping the people I am here to help. I can’t wait to help you discover your true potential and your business blueprint! I am a Licensed Certified BG5BI Professional officially trained through BG5Business Institute. Please check out my listing on the BG5BI Business Institute Website.

Please be aware that there are individuals using The Human Design, BG5& OC16 Systems that are not legally sanctioned by Jovian Archive (rights holder) or the BG5Business Institute, nor certified or licensed by the International Human Design School or the BG5Business Institute (professional certification authorities).When you work with me, you can be confident that you are receiving the information from someone who has been properly trained and certified as a BG5™ Professional.



I appreciate learning about the plateaus, I find myself getting in them and doing exactly what is described, getting frustrated and wanting to quit because I don't feel or see growth or movement/results at a constant pace. Now that I know, I can recognize this as a part of my path so that I can use those times to have patience because it's just a part of my journey.

I plan to use the exercises Sally provided to help me grow my business and put things into better perspective in all parts of my work and personal life. I think that everyone would benefit from using this practice, as well! It will help them make decisions and to see options instead of getting frustrated.

Shannon K, Virtual Assistant

Sally's deep level of knowledge and expertise on the best way to do business for me personally was immediately apparent, and she presented a clear and ordered report that was easy to understand and implement in my work day. One of the key things that I learned from Sally was my business energy style and what to do and not to do based on that style. I also learned that it's okay to prioritize myself and that I have limited energy during the day, and that mistakes are a huge part of my life’s journey. As a lifepath, this was a crucial realization for me, and it has allowed me to approach my work with more joy and confidence. I really appreciated how easy it was to talk to Sally and how she was able to personalize her advice to my specific needs and circumstances based on who I am. Since implementing her recommendations, I have seen many positive changes in how I work and how I interact with patients. I highly recommend Sally to anyone looking to improve their business success and find more joy in their work.

Dr Mark A, Chiropractor


Do I need my exact birth time to pull and Human Design Chart and to work with you?

Your exact (to the minute) birth time is important so you get accurate nuances of your chart

Where can I find my exact birth time and location information?

You can find exact birth times on a birth certificate, calling the hospital where you were born, your baby book if you have one, the office of vital statistics, family bibles, asking family members, etc.

What if I can't find my exact birth time?

There are people who do ‘vedic birth time rectification’.

Try to Google that and see if you can get help from a vedic astrologer who does birth time rectification.

You can also try this free rectification chart website. 

What if my birth location (town/city/village) doesn't show up in the chart generator?

The birth location is important for the Time Zone you were born in.

So if you were born in a tiny town that doesn’t show up, use the largest city in your SAME time zone when you were born.

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